The new way of Sales

With the AI based bloo.agent we revolutionise the way of sales on your website.

With our new AI based Solution bloo.agent you can build a complete new customer experience on your web site and online shops. Give it a try and test the brand new bloo.agent for your company and be ahead the market and customers darling. 

A few benefits

  • Enhanced Customer Engagement: bloo.agent 4 sales can engage customer through interactive voice communication and advice.
  • Personalised Assistance: Tailors responses and recommendations based on customer data and recommendations.
  • Available 24/7: bloo.agent 4 sales offers support outside business hours round the clock.
  • Increased Conversion Rates: Facilitates a more efficient sales process.
  • Improves customer satisfaction: Makes customer more happy with quick, accurate responses.
  • More Efficient: Increases efficiency by handling multiple inquiries simultaneously.
  • Scalable Solution: Offers scalable support as your business grows.

7 reasons why bloo.agent must be part of your marketing & sales processes.

1. "Assuming AI voice agents completely replace human agents."

Thats make no sense. In human interactions everyone wants to speak with real humans but in situations, where not enough human agents are available they can produce a huge benefit for customer as extension to human agents.

2. "You may worry about data security and privacy."

AI agents can be controlled and bloo.agent takes care about privacy concerns. Sessions will not be used for training purposes and customer data will not be shared with AI systems.

3. "You assume that the agent can’t handle complex queries."

With the state of the art AI technologies and flexible assistants we take care about complex scenarios. Pre Trained agents handle complex customer queries and respond quickly and accurate.

4. "Only large enterprises can benefit from AI voice agents."

Thats not the true anymore and with an minimal investment everyone can increase customer experience in the buying process. The training of an agent can be done in under one week. With our templates and services we can guarantee an implementation time in under 2 weeks.

5. "Fear that the agent can’t be tailored to specific needs."

The bloo.agent technology was already used in dozens of scenarios and could fulfil high expectation of usability and service delivery.

6. "Concerns about reliability and downtime."

Based on multiple cloud systems shared over several hosting centres all over the globe we can guarantee 24x7 operation and service delivery.

7. "AI Voice isn't ready to use or it will never work"

Both are wrong. AI driven voice interactions are ready to use. They give users a natural feeling of interaction and reduces clutter and distraction like huge web sites or pure text chat based approaches which waste customers time.

Before you learn more about our voice agent sales solution, I have a few questions:

Customer should reach you  24 hours by 7 days a week?

Customer should reach you 24 hours by 7 days a week?

Your customer expects personal and individual sales support from you?

Your customer expects personal and individual sales support from you?

You cannot find enough experienced sellers for your products and you could make more revenue?

You cannot find enough experienced sellers for your products and you could make more revenue?

Your Customer must wait more then 1 minute in high traffic times for a sales person?

Your Customer must wait more then 1 minute in high traffic times for a sales person?

You want to achieve higher customer retention, greater customer satisfaction and loyalty?

You want to achieve higher customer retention, greater customer satisfaction and loyalty?
Would you like to increase efficiency and process multiple requests simultaneously and reduce response time?
Would you like to increase efficiency and process multiple requests simultaneously and reduce response time?
Do one or more of these points apply to you?
Then I have great news.
We will solve your issues together with you.

Our bloo.agents act like Human Agents

Our bloo.agents act like real persons with real conversations. Choose the person style and gender you want to have that act like human advisors.

They answers questions about your offerings and services and explain them like human agents would do after weeks of trainings. They only need your product and service informations and one of our templates which will be tailored to your personal expectations and brand style.


Features for Groundbreaking Marketing

How to reach the next level of online sales and customer interaction with bloo.agent 4 sales

We will show you how to reach the next level of sales with bloo.agent 4 sales.

Interactive Text and Voice Chat Interface: Engages users in real-time conversations.

The Interactive Text and Voice Chat Interface allows users to engage in real-time conversations using both text and voice, providing immediate and personalised responses. This feature leverages advanced natural language processing and speech recognition to ensure human-like interactions, enhancing user satisfaction and accessibility. It also supports seamless switching between text and voice, catering to diverse user preferences.

Interactive Text and Voice Chat Interface: Engages users in real-time conversations.

Natural Language Processing: Understands and responds in natural language.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) enables bloo.agent 4 sales to understand and respond to user queries in natural language, making interactions feel more human-like. NLP interprets the context and nuances of user inputs, ensuring accurate and relevant responses. This technology allows the agent to handle a wide range of inquiries, from simple questions to complex issues, enhancing overall user experience and engagement.

Natural Language Processing: Understands and responds in natural language.

Multilingual Support: Communicates in multiple languages (up to 60).

Multilingual Support in bloo.agent 4 sales allows it to communicate effectively with users in multiple languages, catering to a global audience. This feature ensures that users can interact with the agent in their preferred language, enhancing accessibility and user experience. By supporting up to 60 languages, the agent can provide accurate and culturally relevant responses, broadening the reach and appeal of the service.

Multilingual Support: Communicates in multiple languages (up to 60).

Product Recommendations: Suggests products based on user preferences.

Product Recommendations in bloo.agent 4 sales leverage user data and behaviour to suggest relevant products tailored to individual preferences. This feature analyses past interactions, purchase history, and browsing patterns to provide personalised recommendations, enhancing the shopping experience. By offering targeted suggestions, it increases the likelihood of conversions and boosts customer satisfaction.

Product Recommendations: Suggests products based on user preferences.

FAQ Automation: Answers frequently asked questions instantly.

FAQ Automation in bloo.agent 4 sales instantly addresses frequently asked questions by providing quick and accurate responses from a pre-defined knowledge base. This feature reduces wait times for users and decreases the workload on customer support teams by handling common inquiries efficiently. By delivering instant answers, it enhances user satisfaction and ensures a seamless experience, allowing support staff to focus on more complex issues.

FAQ Automation: Answers frequently asked questions instantly.

Personalised Interactions: Offer more individualised and personalised benefits.

The bloo.agent 4 sales leverages customer data to provide tailored responses, creating a personalised experience for each user. By recognising repeat customers and recalling previous interactions, the agent can offer more relevant solutions and recommendations. This level of personalisation enhances customer satisfaction and fosters loyalty. It also demonstrates that the business values and remembers its customers, which can differentiate it from competitors.

Personalised Interactions: Offer more individualised and personalised benefits.

Feedback Collection: Gathers customer feedback for continuous improvement.

Feedback Collection in bloo.agent 4 sales actively gathers customer feedback through direct interactions. This feature enables the agent to capture valuable insights about user experiences and preferences, which businesses can use to refine and improve their products and services. By continuously collecting and analysing feedback, the agent helps ensure that customer needs are met and drives ongoing enhancements to the overall user experience.

Feedback Collection: Gathers customer feedback for continuous improvement.

CRM Integration: Syncs with customer relationship management systems.

CRM Integration in bloo.agent 4 sales allows the agent to seamlessly sync with existing customer relationship management systems, ensuring that all user interactions and data are automatically recorded and updated. This integration provides a comprehensive view of customer profiles, enabling more personalised and informed interactions. By maintaining up-to-date records within the CRM, businesses can enhance their customer relationship strategies and streamline their workflow.
CRM Integration: Syncs with customer relationship management systems.

Customisation Options: Fully customisable voice interface and functionality.

Customisation Options in bloo.agent 4 sales provide a fully customisable interface and functionality, allowing businesses to tailor the agent to their specific branding and operational needs. Users can adjust the appearance, dialogue style, and features to align with their brand identity and customer expectations. This flexibility ensures that the agent not only meets the unique requirements of different businesses but also enhances the overall user experience by providing a consistent and personalised interaction.
Customisation Options: Fully customisable voice interface and functionality.

Security & GDPR: Cover Compliance and specific market requirements.

The bloo.agent 4 sales incorporates robust security measures to protect customer data and ensure privacy. This feature is crucial for maintaining trust and compliance with data protection regulations. Secure handling of customer information prevents data breaches and unauthorised access. By prioritising security, businesses can reassure customers that their personal data is safe.

Security & GDPR: Cover Compliance and specific market requirements.

With the groundbreaking functionalities of bloo.agent 4 sales, you can significantly improve your web presence and create incredible added value. And the whole thing can be implemented in no time.

We will solve your issues together with you. 

Expert Knowledge

For 34 years now, I and my team have been involved in every conceivable form of process digitisation and automation. Since 2023 we are operative in AI implementation and development.

There are only a few challenges that we have not already tackled.



How to test the bloo.agent

Setup your own bloo.agent

Step 1: Book an appointment

Click on one of the "Book a meeting with us" buttons and find an appointment and send in your contact request. 

Step 2: Phone Call

If it turns out that we can help you and that you meet the necessary criteria, you will have a qualification conversation with an expert.

Step 3: Workshop

Become part of the bloo.agent winners and implement your processes digitally supported and automated with us.